The Smart Network and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) 6G flagship project Hexa-X-II leads the way to the end-to-end (E2E) system design (based on integrated and interacting technology enablers) and the enabling platform delivering novel services for the next generation (6G) of wireless networks.
The project will continue on the tracks of the Horizon Europe project Hexa-X, which has laid the foundation for the global communication network of the 2030s by developing the 6G vision and basic concepts, including candidate key technology enablers.
ARI is in charge of leading WP6, about Smart Network Management, which tackles research on management and orchestration mechanisms towards 6G networks with focus on AI-based automation, decarbonization and security challenges.
Besides of being a very important positioning in the SN&S JU community building what will be next generation networks-6G, Atos will be able to evolve its SN&S units assets towards offering more sustainable solutions, that will be contributing to get “greener” telco networks. Moreover, Atos will be involved in the development of trustworthiness interaction systems between telco operators and verticals stakeholders managing Trust Level Agreements (TLAs) in an (AI-based) automated fashion.